Berkeley Tuolumne Camp
Berkeley Tuolumne
Wildfire Restoration + Outdoor learning camp
Berkeley Tuolumne Famiyl Camp is a 14.5-acre camp located on the South Fork of the Tuolumne River near Yosemite National Park. Since 1922 the camp has provided generations of families with a comfortable camp getaway, to be in nature exploring the beautiful forests and streams. In 2013 the massive Rim Fire ripped through the South Fork Tuolumne watershed and destroyed Berkeley Tuolumne Camp. Within days, Friends of Berkeley Tuolumne Camp (FOBTC) met to strategize the next phase of restoration work.
Watershed Progressive designed the landscape and water reuse systems for the site rebuild, and constructed the irrigation system to complement the large planting project on site. The landscape was designed to restore the site’s natural habitat and help rebuild soil health for future wildfire resilience, while providing outdoor learning and gathering spaces.